Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Goggles Today

      Thousands of years ago communication was limited to just word of mouth. A couple thousand years ago human communication consisted of word of mouth and writing, now communication consists of Facebook, Twitter, texting, email, phones, books, and word of mouth conversation. The history of goggles are quite similar, goggles at one time only consisted of snow goggles, then came eye glasses, and as of today there are at least ten different types of goggles I can name off the top of my head.
  1. Snow Goggles
  2. Aviation Goggles
  3. Water Goggles
  4. Night Vision Goggles
  5. Smart Goggles
  6. Safety Goggles
  7. Cyber Goggles
  8. Beer Goggles
  9. Welding Goggles
  10. Basketball Goggles

      Many different types of communicative mediums have been derived from speech, the same idea can be seen with the evolution of goggles. All ten of these different types of goggles were derived from ancient Inupiat snow goggles, made over 2,000 years ago. Though small in size, goggles have played an important role not just Alaskan Native history, but human history as well.

(at least until tomorrow)


Snow goggles. (2010). Retrieved from

The "Alaskan Native Collections" is a daughter site to the Smithsonian Institution, so it's a very credible source. This site in particular is where all of my research has stemmed off of. The information the Smithsonian Institution provides is second to none, and they give very detail accounts as to what is known about snow goggles, and the reason's why the Inupiaq people used them for over 2,000 year. On the webpage, they also have pictures of the snow goggles they currently have on display at the Anchorage Museum (which I have personally analyzed). They also carry valuable information on each specimen regarding the culture they are from, the region, the usage of the item, it's physical dimension, and even it's accesion date. This website serves as a great source to get information from.

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